Pycharm / IntelliJ on i3wm - the annoying problem with popup dialogs

If you run IntelliJ och Pycharm on the i3wm Window Manager in Linux, the popup dialogs have an annoying tendency to get closed before you have a chance to actually open the file. They close as soon as there’s even the most minuscule mouse event, even as small as the mouse trembling a bit due to you typing on the keyboard.

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LVS/IPVS on Openstack - Bad Idea.

I’m in the middle of moving a REST API cluster from one datacenter to another at work. This also involves moving off bare metal hosts and onto Openstack virtual machines in an internal Openstack cluster.

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An evening at MakersLink

Today I’ve spent a couple of hours at MakersLink. I have a couple of MySensors sensors at home, but it’s been a long time since I had time to deal with it. So today I’m starting off what I hope will be a weekly activity - an evening at the makerspace to get some stuff done.

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Hadoop Streaming Error Codes

I’m using Hadoop Streaming a lot. It’s exit codes has been something of a mystery, so today I decided to find out by looking at the source code.

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Slow Puppetmaster? Check your reverse DNS

Yesterday some of the servers I care for at work were moved to a different network. After the move, all puppetd runs started to take a very long time. Where it would usually take 10-15 seconds, it now timed out with errors like:

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Backup of MySQL via phpMyAdmin

My girlfriend runs a blog on a cheap hosting firm that doesn’t provide any way of doing proper SQL dumps of the MySQL database used by the blogging software.

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Deleting Amazon S3 buckets using Python

For a while, I used Duplicity to make backups to an Amazon S3 bucket. That kind of worked, but I had to do a lot of scripting myself to get it working automatically, so after finding out about Jungledisk, I switched to that. Jungledisk has a nice little desktop applet that keeps track of doing my backups while my computer is on, etc. That’s convenient.

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Playing with a SkyTraq Venus GPS logger under Linux

I got a new toy today - a GPS logger. Got it as part of a magazine subscription deal - two issues + GPS logger for about $12. That magazine was not my kind of magazine, but getting a GPS logger delivered home for $12 was worth having to throw away two magazine issues :-). For other people trying to get this to work under Linux, the magazine in question was Aktiv Träning.

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Calculating the Distance of a GPS log

Playing with my GPS logger, I wanted to know the distance travelled between all the points in a GPS log. For example, if I went for a bicycle trip and brought the logger, it would be nice to know how many kilometers I have travelled.

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Simple Parallelization with xargs

If you run a modern computer, chances are high that you have a multi-core processor. That forces us into paralell programming to get more performance, which is much harder than doing serial programming.

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Restart WWW

I’m on a bus4you with destination Oslo for a visit to Opera Software’s main offices. The bus has wireless internet. That’s good, I’ve been reading webpages on map-reduce, distributed filesystems and other interesting stuff the whole trip.

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Finally, Suspend to Disk is working!

I’ve never had any luck with the suspend to disk functionality on Linux, but now, after upgrade to Ubuntu 8.10, it’s working, even at my home workstation with mirrored disk setup.

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Ripping 300 CDs..

I’m currently in the process of transferring my CD collection into digital format for use with my Squeezebox. This is a major project when you own around 300 CDs..

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Weird Django Bug

I think I hit Django bug #6681 yesterday. It’s the kind of bug that triggers only if three completely different conditions are met at the same time, where at least one of them depends on timing. In this case:

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QNAP TS-109 II - First Impressions

I bought a second hand Squeezebox the other day. The Squeezebox must read its files from a server running Squeezecenter, and since I don’t want my workstation running all day (it’s consuming energy. I’m trying to be environmentally friendly when I can), I had to find a low-power alternative.

Read More - now via IPv6

I have been intrigued by IPv6 for a long time. The worldwide challenge of smoothly switching from IPv4 to IPv6 without end-users noting the switch is fascinating.

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Inline links in reStructured Text

I’ve been using reStructured Text for documentation purposes for a couple of years, but I have never read the full specification, only the quick reference, and I probably read that rather.. quick. So quick indeed that I have always been irritated because I couldn’t find how to write hyperlinks without having to list them at the end of the document.

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Luxury Problems

  • My 20” 1600x1200 LCD at home feels very small, because I’ve got 24”+19” at work (dual screen setups ROCKS when programming!)
  • The lever for regulating the slope of my home office chair is on the opposite side compared to the one of office office chair.
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The Logistics Nerd

My girlfriend has been studying logistics the past 2½ years. This is beginning to get noticeable. Today I asked her to send me a shopping list for some dinner ingredients via e-mail.

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Feed Fixed. Site Todo.

Yesterday evening was one of those frantic hacker moments when you really really want to get the piece of software you’ve been working on for a while up and running, even if it’s getting really late and you know you have to get up early the next morning. The broken feed, showing pseudo-HTML to the user, was one effect of that. Has now been fixed by use of the safe filter tag.

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Post-Vacation Coding

I came back to work yesterday after four weeks of vacation. Not doing much coding during such a long period of time has its effects. Here’s the first line of a shell script I wrote yesterday afternoon:

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I måndags satt jag i en kanot halvfull med regnvatten iförd vadarstövlar, tre lager kläder innanför regnstället och ytterst en flytväst. Kanoten befann sig mellan två rader av i en dyig sjöbotten nedbankade pålar och jag ägnade mig åt att med hjälp av bland annat en i tre platspåsar insvept sladdlös skruvdragare borra hål i och montera reglar mellan nämnda pålar. Regnet öste ned, uppifrån, bakifrån, framifrån, från sidan och dessutom skvätte det in i ansiktet på mig när regnet träffade reglarna och studsade därifrån in under kepsen. Dessutom blåste det. Jättemycket.\

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OpenLDAP - loglevel none

For a long time, I have wanted to know which loglevel to set in OpenLDAP’s slapd.conf to get just errors in the log. For many years, I have obviously been too quick in reading the manual page slapd.conf(5).

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Site moved to new host

I just moved this site to a new host, for two reasons - the first being that it is boring to keep physical hardware running, so I’m now running on a Xen slice I rent from Slicehost. The second reason is to be announced soon..

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You learn something new every day. Today, I learnt some OpenOffice

Today, I found out that different paragraph styles in OpenOffice can have different languages, which is the reason why the Tools->Options->Language->Languages setting flips back when you change it. You need to modify the language in the popup that appears when you press F11. Right-click on a paragraph style and choose Modify, then go to the Font tab. There it is!

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A Strange Dream

When I woke up this morning, the last dream was still left in my head. It was, as all dreams, strange:\

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Vacation trip to Nessebar, Bulgaria

BulgariaAs the swedish summer was getting more and more depressing (rain, rain, a minor storm, some more rain, and.. perhaps some rain for a change?), me and the girlfriend bought a last-minute trip to Nessebar, Bulgaria and went there in the middle of july.

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Plone 2.5.2 and LDAP - revisited

One or two years ago, I spent some time trying to understand how to connect Plone 2.0 to LDAP. I really had no luck as things were complicated. Reading out existing users from the directory might have been possible, but trying to create users was a thing never heard of.

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Much to Read

There are so many interesting books I want to read that I often end up reading several books at once. Here’s my current list of unfinished titles:

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Bad Jokes

During the holidays, I came up with some really really really bad jokes.

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Updated site to Plone 2.5.1

I finally have upgraded this site to Plone 2.5.1. There’s no big changes for the casual viewer. About the only visual changes are in the blog, which I’ve upgraded from Quills 0.9 to Quills trunk. In the non-visual department, the syndication feeds now contain category names, which will make technorati happier. Speaking of technorati

  • I wonder why it doesn’t pick up changes to this blog. \
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Sorry about the "new" entries in the feeds!

An excuse to those of my readers who get this blog via one of the syndication feeds (RSS,Atom,etc): I’m sorry about all the “new” entries yesterday and today. I’ve upgraded my blog software and removed lots of spam, and that caused the timestamps of the entries to be updated, which triggered new publication in the feeds.

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En dagdröm

Jag sätter mig i planet och knäpper fast fyrpunktsbältet. Går igenom checklistan, kopplar bogserlinan och stänger huven. Ger OK-tecknet till killen vid vingen. Han signalerar till bogserplanet.

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Plone Development Experiences

For the last days, I’ve been doing some heavy Plone development for a community site that hopefully will be launched sometime during the next few days. Although I have done a fair amount of Plone development earlier, this time, I did learn a lot, especially about ArchGenXML.

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SuSE är en konstig Linuxdistribution. De älskar att göra allting annorlunda och gärna på ett sätt som ställer till det för oss som vet hur man gör på alla andra distributioner. Don’t get me started när det gäller deras kreativa tolkning av hur PAM och NSS ska fungera.

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Möbler som klär dig.. Illa!

Idag var jag åter en gång tvungen att brottas med vår TV-möbel. Den är köpt på Mio för några år sedan, och jag tror inte de har modellen kvar. Det är bra, för den är nämligen totalpuckad;

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A New Toy

I just ordered a KiSS DP-588. It’s a networked DVD-player with harddrive recorder. I have a colleague who has one, and he’s very satisfied with it.

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Observations, 2006-09-22

  • The correct settings for talking to a Fujitsu-Siemens Primepower 250 (or a Sun VFire 250, or probably any sun) via the serial console port is 9600 8N1, no software handshake, no hardware handshake.
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Ett brev jag längtat efter att få lägga på lådan

Igår lade jag ett brev på postlådan. Det var adresserat till Luftfartsstyrelsen i Norrköping, och innehöll ett papper med titeln “Ansökan om utfördande av segelflygarcertifikat”, ifyllt och påskrivet av en av mina segelflyglärare, och underskrivet av mig.

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Inte mogen?

Blodcentralen i Linköping har ont om blod med blodgrupp 0, och vädjar till blodgivare att höra av sig.

Jag ringer ned för att kolla om jag kan hjälpa till, för jag har 0+.

- “Hmm.. nä, du är inte mogen förrän den 8:e september, men tack för att du ringde!”

Det var väl det jag misstänkte. Jag har alltid kännt mig lite omogen. Men den 8:e september är det alltså officielt slut på det!\

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En känsla

Jag och sambon sitter i bilen och lyssnar på radio. Det är Lena Philipsson som sjunger låten som mest går ut på att “Jag heter Lena Philipsson…”. Den är rätt kass.

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Dagens Rikspucko..

…finner vi hos Tele2Comviq, där denne någon kommit fram till att klockan 04 på morgonen, det är en riktigt bra tid att skicka ut SMS med fakturainformation till abbonenterna, för då är risken som allra minst att kunderna vaknar av pipet från mobilen!

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Concert Photos

image The excellent male choir Lihkören offered me two free tickets to their spring concert at the end of April in exchange for me taking some photos from the Concert. This was an offer I couldn’t refuse! :-)

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The Mystery of the Lost Content Types

I was puzzled yesterday when I uploaded a file via WebDAV. Since the file was equipped with a Content-Type header, I expected it to be parsed as reStructured Text. Instead, it appeared as a DTML document. The horror! The horror!

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/etc/init.d/zope2.8 restart on Ubuntu

/etc/init.d/zope2.8 restart didn’t work on my Ubuntu Server 5.10. It turns out that it’s using Ubuntu’s homebrewn dzhandle script to handle plone instances. You are supposed to create instances using dzhandle. If you do, there’ll be a file named debian_policy in the etc directory of the instance, and if that file exists, dzhandle will recognize the instance and happily restart it.

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Redan i femman fick jag veta att jag inte har något bollsinne. Det var min jumpalärare som berättade det för mig och min far på ett kvartssamtal.

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Förstörd Världsbild

För några månader sedan var jag och sambon och skulle handla fiskar till mitt akvarium på en av de lokala djuraffärerna. Eller snarare, jag skulle handla fiskar, och min stackars sambo fick vänta under tiden jag väntade på att få handla fiskar.

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Ett vårtecken!

Var ute på promenad med sambon i det vackra vintervädret, och fick se det första säkra vårtecknet - Två snubbar var ute och åkte skateboard :-).

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February is the month where you get the papers from the swedish study loan authority with information about how much you’re supposed to pay back this year.

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Melodifestivalen - en intressant upplevelse (in swedish)

Ibland är man för snäll för sitt eget bästa. Idag var en sådan dag. Min syster är en stor fan av melodifestivalen, och var idag TV-lös, och dessutom var hon trött efter en tenta och det var lite allmänt synd om henne, så jag kom med förslaget att hon skulle komma hem hit och titta på melodifestivalen. Det gjorde hon ju, tyvärr, gärna..

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Fixed the Comment Problem

Finally managed to fix the problem with VisitorComments and Quills, so now it’s possible to comment on this blog in a decent manner again.

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Ceratophyllum demersum L. in the Fishtank

A few weeks ago I bought two plants of Ceratophyllum demersum L. (hornsärv in swedish) at one of the local aquarium shops. I hadn’t seen it before, and they told me it would grow fast and take its nutritions from the water, not having any roots.

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A funny sound

The sound generated when you use the vacuum-cleaner to clean away a large amount of rice is.. funny!

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Date and time in Emacs status bar

Emacs is a very good editor (Well, almost religion for some people :-) ), with so much configuration possibilities one could configure it for years, and that’s good !

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Doing things periodically - using CRON

On a UNIX system there is always some things that should be done periodically, for example backups, locatedb updates and such things. This makes life easier, as you don’t have to keep all the things you should do in your head, or on silly little notes on your desk. Not to mention the fact that you don’t want to sit up all night doing backups.

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Changing your caps lock into Ctrl in X

Have you ever been irritated that there’s a big key between tab and shift that you never use? If not, sometime in the future your left little finger might start complaining about having to reach all the way down to the Ctrl key every time you’re moving around in an emacs buffer. This small tip will let you redefine your Caps Lock into a Ctrl key in X.

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