Updated site to Plone 2.5.1

I finally have upgraded this site to Plone 2.5.1. There’s no big changes for the casual viewer. About the only visual changes are in the blog, which I’ve upgraded from Quills 0.9 to Quills trunk. In the non-visual department, the syndication feeds now contain category names, which will make technorati happier. Speaking of technorati

  • I wonder why it doesn’t pick up changes to this blog. \

The blog software upgrade was not completely painless, so to speak. All entries in the blog were flagged by new in the syndication feeds, not to mention that they were displayed as html code. That problem went away when upgrading the basesyndication product as well.

I honestly don’t know if this problem is present in Quills 1.5RC3, as I had some other strange error there. I do however think this was more related to a locally modified template.

Oh well. \

Written on November 27, 2006